Crop and soil organic matter simulation models – A brief review of their basic features and application in sub-Saharan Africa
The CDR Nexus: Convergence of Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Land Restoration in Kajiado, Kitui , and Makueni Counties, Kenya
Controlling Xanthomonas wilt of banana: Influence of collective application, frequency of application, and social factors on the effectiveness of the Single Diseased Stem Removal technique in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Scaling community seedbanks and farmer seed enterprises in East and Southern Africa: Workshop Highlights, 2-4 October 2019, Entebbe, Uganda
Maziwa Zaidi (More Milk) in Tanzania: Best-bet Technologies and Innovations / Cash from Brachiaria and Rhodes grasses hay production
Maziwa Zaidi (More Milk) in Tanzania: Best-bet Technologies and Innovations / Total Mixed Rations for dairy cattle- Rumen8
Crowdsourcing vegetables for farmers’ livelihood improvement: a novel collaborative pilot in Uganda. Resilient seed systems for climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihoods in the East Africa sub-region project progress report