Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI): Phenotyping of a core germplasm collection of the tropical forage grass Megathyrsus maximus under greenhouse conditions
Assessment of metabolic variability and diversity present in leaf, peel and pulp tissue of diploid and triploid Musa spp .
Comparing video and poster based education for improving 6-17 months children feeding practices: a cluster randomized trial in rural Benin: Video versus Poster in nutritional education
Xanthomonas Wilt of banana drives changes in land-use and ecosystem services across Infected landscapes
Responding to future regime shifts with agrobiodiversity: A multi-level perspective on small-scale farming in Uganda
Costs and benefits of climate-smart agriculture practices: Evidence from intercropping and crop rotation of maize with soybean in rural Tanzania
Benefits from the adoption of genetically engineered innovations in the Ugandan banana and cassava sectors: an ex ante analysis
Basic nutrition concepts & nutrition indicators:Training manual for field extension service providers
Identification of sex-linked markers in the sexually cryptic coco de mer: are males and females produced in equal proportions?