Long term effects of reduced fertilizer rates on millet yields and soil properties in the West-African Sahel
Mainstreaming Efficient Legume Seed Systems in Eastern Africa: Challenges, opportunities and contributions towards improved livelihoods
Role of biological nitrogen fixation in legume based cropping systems; a case study of West Africa farming systems
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the East African Highland banana cropping systems as related to edapho-climatic conditions and management practices: case study of Rwanda
Survey data of intra-household decision making and smallholder agricultural production in Northern Uganda and Southern Tanzania
Simple sequence repeat marker diversity in cassava landraces: genetic diversity and differentiation in an asexually propagated crop
Genotype x environment interaction and optimum resource allocation for yield and yield components of cassava
Agronomic survey to assess crop yield, controlling factors and management implications: a case-study of Babati in northern Tanzania
Agricultural intensification scenarios, household food availability and greenhouse gas emissions in Rwanda: Ex-ante impacts and trade-offs
Variability of carotenoids in a Musa germplasm collection and implications for provitamin A biofortification
Seeds for Needs - East Africa: Helping farming communities cope with the effects of climate change by providing access to locally adapted seeds
Fruit production and consumption: practices, preferences and attitudes of women in rural western Kenya - Springer Science and Business Media LLC