Gender-based constraints affecting biofortified cassava production, processing and marketing among men and women adopters in Oyo and Benue States, Nigeria
Land Use, Land Use History, and Soil Type Affect Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes From Agricultural Landscapes of the East African Highlands
Agro-morphological characterization of a population of introgression lines derived from crosses between IR 64 (Oryza sativa indica) and TOG 5681 (Oryza glaberrima) for drought tolerance
Soil structural degradation and nutrient limitations across land use categories and climatic zones in Southern Africa
Market?led options to scale up legume seeds in developing countries: Experiences from the Tropical Legumes Project
Spatial variability of soil N2O and CO2fluxes in different topographic positions in a tropical montane forest in Kenya
Potential of deterministic and geostatistical rainfall interpolation under high rainfall variability and dry spells: case of Kenya?s Central Highlands
Opportunities for sustainable intensification of coffee agro-ecosystems along an altitudinal gradient on Mt. Elgon, Uganda
Challenges and opportunities for smallholder livestock production in post-conflict South Kivu, eastern DR Congo
Simulating phosphorus responses in annual crops using APSIM: model evaluation on contrasting soil types
Sensory and cultural acceptability tradeoffs with nutritional content of biofortified orange-fleshed sweetpotato varieties among households with children in Malawi
Grain legume rotation benefits to maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria: fixed-nitrogen versus other rotation effects
Response to G.W. Sileshi?s Letter to the Editor on AGEE13857 (2015): Exclusion of soil macrofauna did not affect soil quality ? statistical artefact or true lack of effect?