Navigating the climate-finance landscape in Eastern Africa: An exploration of climate and agriculture finance instruments
Boosting biodiversity action through agroecology: Guidance for developing and updating national biodiversity strategies and action plans
Financial Access (FACS) and The Alliance of Bioversity International – CIAT are working together to advance financial inclusion for smallholder farmers in Africa
Caractérisation des chaînes de valeur et des marchés des cultures négligées et sous-utilisées à l’Ouest du Niger: Cas de patate douce, manioc, moringa, gombo, oseille et voandzou
Challenges and opportunities for hybrid and improved forages: A seed market study in Kenya and East Africa
Insights for enhancing gender equity and social inclusion through sustainable intensification of mixed farming systems of Malawi
On gender norms, innovation and smallholder farming: Patterns and processes of change in rural Uganda