Farm-level and community aggregate economic impacts of adopting climate smart agricultural practices in three mega environments
Dietary diversity among smallholder households in Bukoba district, Tanzania and Kiboga district, Uganda
Increasing resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change through multiple adoption of proven climate-smart agriculture innovations. Lessons from Southern Africa
Household-oriented benefits largely outweigh commercial benefits derived from cattle in Mabalane District, Mozambique
Sensory and cultural acceptability tradeoffs with nutritional content of biofortified orangefleshed sweetpotato varieties among households with children in Malawi
Corm damage caused by banana weevils Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) collected from different banana growing regions in Uganda
Gender Gaps in Food Crop Production and Adaptation to Climate-Smart Technologies: The case of Western Highlands of Cameroon
What are the key factors influencing consumers' preference and willingness to pay for meat products in eastern DRC?