Household Survey Data on Nutritional Resilience and Agricultural Shocks Among Arable Farmers in Northern Uganda
Baseline data for Farm level and community aggregate economic impacts of adopting Climate Smart Agricultural Practices in three Mega Environments
Comprehensive Livestock Environmental Assessment for Improved Nutrition, a Secured Environment and Sustainable Development (CLEANED-X) tool
Perceived nutrition benefits and socio-demographic factors affecting consumption of forest foods in eastern and southern Cameroon
Development of a food safety toolkit for dry common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris l.) in Uganda using a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach
Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and earthworms on soil aggregate stability, glomalin, and performance of pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan
Influence of productive resources on bean production in male‑ and female‑headed households in selected bean corridors of Kenya
Safeguarding villagers’ access to foods from timber trees: Insights for policy from an inhabited logging concession in Gabon
Soil carbon under current and improved land management in Kenya, Ethiopia and India: Dynamics and sequestration potentials