Rapport d'atelier sur l'activité 3.4 "Renforcement du dialogue inter-pays et international, mise A l'echelle et creation de synergies" du Projet Sustlives
Workshop report on Activity 3.4 "Strengthening inter-country and international dialogue, scaling up and creating synergies of the Sustlives Project on NUS
Contributing to improved forage options for livestock, environment and forage seed system in Ethiopia
In season crop monitoring of agricultural interventions using remote sensing in smallholder farmers setting: The case of Northern Ghana
Framework for guiding system thinking within the complex mixed farming system in highlands of Ethiopia
Enhancing resource efficiency and sustainability in mixed farming systems: FarmDESIGN-based strategies for crop -livestock integration - Hawassa Zuriya, Ethiopia
Exploring household-level tradeoffs and synergies for redesigning/optimizing mixed farming systems in Northern Ghana and Southern Highland of Ethiopia mixed farming systems
Market-oriented apiculture and forage production on restored landscapes: A guide for extension trainers
Fostering gender equity in Nature-Positive Solutions - Strategies for inclusive and sustainable transformation
Food System Actors engaged in the cocreation of agroecological innovations: Results of three years of engagement in eight countries