Investing in resilience: A guide to climate risks and opportunities in Ethiopia's key agricultural value chains
Analysis of spatio-temporal precipitation and temperature variability and trend over Sudd-Wetland, Republic of South Sudan
Tailoring interventions through a combination of statistical typology and frontier analysis: A study of mixed crop -livestock farms in semi-arid Zimbabwe
Evaluating wheat cultivation potential in Ethiopia under the current and future climate change scenarios
Spatiotemporal analysis of rainfall and temperature variability and trends for a mixed crop-livestock production system: its implications for developing adaptation strategies
Production decisions and food security outcomes of smallholder’s livestock market participation: empirical evidence from Zimbabwe
Community needs-based prioritization of landscape restoration technologies in Basona-Worena and Doyo-Gena Woredas, Ethiopia
Modeling changes in nutrient retention ecosystem service using the InVEST-NDR model: A case study in the Gumara River of Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
Climate change and ecological intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa – A systems approach to predict maize yield under push-pull technology
Building resilience: Over 550 Ethiopian wheat producers enabled with bundled sustainable agroecological innovations
Next-generation drought intensity–duration–frequency curves for early warning systems in Ethiopia’s pastoral region
How do interconnected dynamics of climate, security and human mobility interplay in Mali: Climate security pathway analysis
Harnessing the power of citizen science for agroecological transitions: The case of the One Million Voices of Agroecology Initiative and Digital Platform
Improving governance arrangements for vegetable value chains in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia and Cotonou, Benin
Enabling Sustainable Livestock Development: ‘CLEANED’ tool effectively supports Environmental Impact Assessments across 34 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.