RETA 5866 : Fourth agriculture and natural resources research at CGIAR centers: developing sustainable forage technologies for resource-poor upland farmers in Asia: Forages for Smallholders Project: Six-monthly report, 1 July-31 December 2001
Pruebas e intercambio internacional de germoplasma de yuca: exposiciones presentadas durante el evento interdisciplinario en la sede del CIAT, Palmira, Colombia, 4-6 de febrero
Winner or loser of climate change? A modeling study of current and future climatic suitability of Arabica coffee in Indonesia
Status of Stylosanthes development in other countries.II. Stylosanthes development and utilisation in China and southe -east Asia
Substantial N 2 O emissions from peat decomposition and N fertilization in an oil palm plantation exacerbated by hotspots
Will CO2 Emissions from Drained Tropical Peatlands Decline Over Time? Links Between Soil Organic Matter Quality, Nutrients, and C Mineralization Rates
The response of soil respiration to climatic drivers in undrained forest and drained oil palm plantations in an Indonesian peatland