A participatory and inter-institutional projects to enhance the sustainability of cassava production in Thailand, Vientam and China : Its impact on soil erosion and farmers` income
Working with farmers : The challenge of achieving adoption of more sustainable cassava production practices on sloping land in Asia
Harnessing the diversity of wild relatives of tropical fruit tree species for sustainable livelihoods
On-farm conservation of tropical fruit tree diversity: roles and motivations of custodian farmers and emerging threats and challenges
Multiclass classification of agro-ecological zones for arabica Coffee: an improved understanding of the impacts of climate change
Payments for ecosystem services in smallholder agriculture: lessons from the Hivos-IIED learning trajectory
Use values and cultural importance of major tropical fruit trees: an analysis from 24 village sites across south and South-East Asia
El herbario CIAT como colección de referencia para autenticación, caracterización y conservación de germoplasma tropical