Results and methodology of diagnostic trials on common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Rwanda: a critical appraisal
Subcontract agreement for the execution of USAID/SADC/SARRNET grant No. 690-G-00-99-00258-00 between the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, IITA, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT : Monitoring and evaluation…
Seeds of hope : An emergency program to assist restoration of crop production and rehabilitation of food security in Rwanda after the civil war: On behalf of the implementing agency, CIAT, Cali, Colombia / W.R. Scowcroft
Subcontract agreement for the execution of USAID/SADC/SARRNET grant No. 690-G-00-99-00258-00 between the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, IITA, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT : II report, period June…
Subcontract agreement for the execution of USAID/SADC/SARRNET grant No. 690-G-00-99-00258-00 between the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, IITA, and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT : Final report