The Kalkulator: a minimum data tool for rapid ex-ante impact assessment of productivity, nitrogen balance, soil balance, and GHG emissions – Version 1.0.1
Pagos por servicios ecosistémicos en la agricultura de pequeña escala: lecciones de la trayectoria de aprendizaje de Hivos-IIED
Spatial variability of soil N2O and CO2 fluxes in different topographic positions in a tropical montane forest in Kenya
Climate smartness of GIZ soil protection and rehabilitation technologies in Western Kenya: Rapid assessment report
Climate-smart dairy systems in east Africa: Improved forages and feeding strategies to increase productivity nutrition, and adaptive capacity of smallholder livestock systems
Molecular characterisation of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions from Southwestern Uganda reveal high levels of genetic diversity
Replication Data for: Assessment of Napier grass accessions in lowland and highland tropical environments in east Africa : productivity and forage quality
Private sector-led bean partnerships in Africa: researchers in the Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) are breeding new beans with market-driven traits for canning, faster cooking and improved nutrition
IPM for a safer environment: Integrated Pest Management in major agroecosystems in the Americas: Project-PE1 Annual Report 1998
Integrating improved germplasm and resource management for enhaced crop and livestock production systems: Project PE-5: Sustainable Systems for Smallholders: Annual Report 1999