Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Groundnut, soya bean, and milk value chains in Eastern and Southern Provinces, Zambia
Towards low carbon agriculture: Systematic-narratives of climate-smart agriculture mitigation potential in Africa
Protein and amino acid composition of different quinoa (chenopodium quinoa willd) cultivars grown under field conditions in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia
The role of genetic resources in breeding for climate change: the case of public breeding programmes in eighteen developing countries
A gendered ecosystem services approach to identify novel and locally-relevant strategies for jointly improving food security, nutrition, and conservation in the Barotse Floodplain
Scaling community seedbanks and farmer seed enterprises in East and Southern Africa: Workshop Highlights, 2-4 October 2019, Entebbe, Uganda
Seasonal fluctuations in MDD-W and nutrient dense food group intakes of women's diets in rural Zambia and Malawi (P10 -137-19)
Spatial analyses of occurrence data of crop wild relatives (CWR) taxa as tools for selection of sites for conservation of priority CWR in Zambia
Nutrition transition in Zambia: Changing food supply, food prices, household consumption, diet and nutrition outcomes
Accessing genetic diversity for food security and climate change adaptation in select communities in Africa
Integrating local knowledge and remote sensing for eco-type classification map in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia
Estimating in situ conservation costs of Zambian crop wild relatives under alternative conservation goals