Challenges and opportunities in the improved forage seeds market in selected East and West African countries
Adding value to neglected and underutilized crop species: Experiences from Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
A science-based investment due diligence & screening methodology co-developed with Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) to assess CSA impact in their $20 million agribusiness in Africa window round 2 program
The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) endorses creation of a regional network for the conservation and use of crop wild relatives
Zambia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP): Recommendations for the improved integration of the Climate, Peace, and Security Nexus
An analysis of off-takers facilitating bean grain trade to pull seed demand and supply response in Eastern and Southern Africa
Predicting the future climate-related prevalence and distribution of crop pests and diseases affecting major food crops in Zambia
Towards climate-resilient dairy production in Southern Zambia: Report of a CLEANED decision-making tool training report, 25−28 October 2022
Make them dry, keep them dry: Traditional and modern techniques and practices to store and conserve seeds safely
Country-specific challenges to improving effectiveness, scalability and sustainability of agricultural climate services in Africa