Effects of sustainable land management interventions on selected soil properties in Geda watershed, central highlands of Ethiopia
Impact of the adoption of conservation practices on cereal consumption in a maize-based farming system in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
Variations in yield gaps of smallholder cocoa systems and the main determining factors along a climate gradient in Ghana
Soil organic carbon in agricultural systems of six countries in East Africa – a literature review of status and carbon sequestration potential
Scaling community seedbanks and farmer seed enterprises in East and Southern Africa: Workshop Highlights, 2-4 October 2019, Entebbe, Uganda
Long-term effects of integrated soil fertility management practices on soil chemical properties in the Sahel
Not all roads lead to Rome: Inclusive business models and responsible finance in pursuit of sustainable cocoa in Ghana
Assessing the impacts of different land uses and soil and water conservation interventions on runoff and sediment yield at different scales in the central highlands of Ethiopia
Landscape positions dictating crop fertilizer responses in wheat-based farming systems of East African Highlands