Adaptation of tropical and subtropical pine plantation forestry to climate change: Realignment of Pinus patula and Pinus tecucumanii genotypes to 2020 planting site climates
Fatty acid content, health and risk indices, physicochemical composition, and somatic cell counts of milk from organic and conventional farming systems in tropical south-eastern Mexico
Climate change and the transgenic adaptation strategy: Smallholder livelihoods, climate justice, and maize landraces in Mexico
New genes in traditional seed systems: diffusion, detectability and persistence of transgenes in a maize metapopulation
Planting hybrids, keeping landraces: agricultural modernization and tradition among small-Scale maize farmers in Chiapas , Mexico
Projecting the effects of climate change on the distribution of maize races and their wild relatives in Mexico
Fast-growing pioneer trees as a rapid and cost-effective strategy for bracken elimination in the Neotropics
Potential economic impact from the adoption of new Brachiaria hybrids resistant to spittlebugs in livestock systems of Colombia, Mexico and Central America
Race structure within the Mesoamerican gene pool of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as determined by microsatellite markers