Las concesiones forestales en Petén, Guatemala: Un análisis sistemático del desempeño socioeconómico de las empresas comunitarias en la Reserva de la Biósfera Maya
Investigacion y política sobre concesiones forestales comunitarias en Petén, Guatemala: Lecciones aprendidas y desafíos pendientes
Exploring a gender-responsive asset-based approach to enhance the transformative potential of value chain development in Guatemala, India and Peru
Resumen de investigación: Cadena de valor y potencial de mercado de la chaya para fortalecer la resiliencia climática, seguridad nutricional e ingresos en Guatemala
Research brief: Value chain and market potential of Chaya to strengthen climate resilience, nutrition security and incomes in Guatemala
The Role of Respondents’ Market Participation in Consumer Acceptance of Seeds and Grains of an Iron-Enriched Bean Variety in Guatemala
¿Qué facilita o limita las relaciones comerciales incluyentes con pequeños productores? Análisis de tres casos en América Latina
Consumer acceptance of an iron bean variety in Northwest Guatemala: the role of information and repeated messaging
His and Hers, time and income: How intra-household dynamics impact nutrition in agricultural households
¿Contribuyen las reservas comunitarias de semillas a la resiliencia socio-ecológica? – un caso de estudio en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Guatemala
Leveraging responsible finance and public-private policy change for biodiversity and sustainable development goals: Insights from Guatemala, Nepal and Ghana
Successful community stewardship of tropical forests: Evidence from community forest concessions in Petén, Guatemala
300 years of hydrological records and societal responses to droughts and floods on the Pacific coast of Central America