Corrigendum: The ÓMICAS Alliance, an international research program on multi-omics for crop breeding optimization
Large genomic introgression blocks of Phaseolus parvifolius Freytag bean into the common bean enhance the crossability between tepary and common beans
Improving association studies and genomic predictions for climbing beans with data from bush bean populations
Building the capacity of local partners and government staff on climate smart agriculture technologies and climate change programming. Training Workshop Report
High-throughput virus screening in crosses of South American and African cassava germplasm reveals broad-spectrum resistance against viruses causing Cassava Brown Streak Disease and Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease
Impact of web blight on photosynthetic performance of an elite common bean line in the Western Amazon region of Colombia
SgNramp1, a plasma membrane-localized transporter, involves in manganese uptake in Stylosanthes guianensis
Influence of simultaneous intercropping of maize-bean with input of inorganic or organic fertilizer on growth, development, and dry matter partitioning to yield components of two lines of common bean