Forage seed stakeholder workshop 12th May 2021: Addressing obstacles for thriving a forage seed sector in Tanzania
Genetic and phenotypic characterization of rice grain quality traits to define research strategies for improving rice milling, appearance, and cooking qualities in Latin America and the Caribbean
Multi-Trait selection indices for identifying new cassava varieties adapted to the Caribbean Region of Colombia
A benchmarking framework for water use, soil health, land use, productivity, biodiversity, and climate change impacts of livestock modelled with CLEANED
CLEANED Environment Assessment of small ruminant production systems in Ethiopia: Baseline Validation Workshop Report.
Acción de mitigación nacionalmente apropiada NAMA de la ganadería bovina sostenible en Colombia (Brochure)
Planificación de la carga animal bovina en función del manejo y rotación de potreros con enfoque sostenible
Short introduction to a proposed One CGIAR initiative on 'Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion' (SAPLING)