Training video on the integration of the leguminous Mucuna cover crop in coffee and banana systems in central Africa.
Genetic differentiation in Khaya Ivorensis A. Chev., a threaten tree of evergreen African rainforests
In vitro inhibition of Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum, the causal agent of banana Xanthomonas Wilt, using medicinal plant extracts from North Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Restoration of coffee yields in degraded soils using nitrogen-fixing cover crops and shrubs, and fast-growing grasses.
How to develop and manage your own community seed bank: Farmers’ handbook (updated version). Technical issues: Booklet 2 of 3. Zande version
How to develop and manage your own community seed bank: Farmers’ handbook (updated version). Establishing a community seed bank: Booklet 1 of 3. Zande version
How to develop and manage your own community seed bank: Farmers’ handbook (updated version). Management, networking, policies and a final checklist: Booklet 3 of 3. Zande version
Structuring the complexity of integrated landscape approaches into selectable, scalable, and measurable attributes
Mapping climate and agronomic digital advisory services landscape: Case of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) endorses creation of a regional network for the conservation and use of crop wild relatives