Use of machine learning approaches for quantification of red spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) damage in Urochloa sp.
Agronomic biofortification: Uncovering the evidence. A seminar organized by the Excellence in Agronomy Agronomic Initiative
Response of common bean genotypes to prevalent Pseudocercospora griseola races causing angular leaf spot in Uganda
Re-thinking strategies for monitoring plant pathogens virulence diversity and their corresponding sources of resistance to move towards a more effective disease control
Strengthening capacity of extension officers in gender-responsive bean research, digital extension and agribusiness in Laikipia and Nyeri Counties, Kenya
A Dutch entrepreneurial development bank is using a risk assessment tool developed by the alliance with its clients.
More than 1300 Food System Actors in seven countries engaged in the cocreation of agroecological innovations for promoting effective and sustainable agroecological transitions in the first year of implementation of the CGIAR initiative on Agroecology
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) -supported inter-sectoral coordination leads to long -term climate-resilient agricultural strategy in Senegal
Are climate and environment- and peace and security-related policy outputs coherent? A policy coherence and awareness analysis for climate security