Occurrence and genetic diversity of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in soils of differing chemical characteristics in Kenya
Nitrogen fertilizer equivalencies of organics of differing quality and optimum combination with organic nitrogen source in Central Kenya
Niche-based assessment of contributions of legumes to the nitrogen economy of Western Kenya smallholder farms
Molecular characterization of the incitant of cowpea bacterial blight and pustule, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignicola
Mineral nutrient uptake and removal by cowpea, soybean and maize cultivars in West Africa, and implications for carbon cycle effects on soil acidification
Minimum tillage and vegetative barrier effects on crop yields in relation to soil water content in the Central Kenya highlands
Millet nutrient use efficiency as affected by natural soil fertility, mineral fertilzer use and rainfall in the West African Sahel
Agro-ecological adaptation and participatory evaluation of multipurpose tree and shrub legumes in mid altitudes of Sud -Kivu, D.R. Congo
Maize growth and production as influenced by earthworm-based integrated soil fertility management in tropical agroecosystems
Linking smallholder farmers to markets in East Africa : Empowering mountain communities to identify market opportunities and develop rural agroenterprises