How climate-smart are the GIZ supported soil protection and rehabilitation technologies in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia , India and Kenya?
Dynamics of soil carbon stock, total nitrogen, and associated soil properties since the conversion of Acacia woodland to managed pastureland, parkland agroforestry, and treeless cropland in the Jido Komolcha District, southern Ethiopia
Impacts of SWC interventions and land use on discharge and sediment yield in the cool sub-moist Highlands of Ethiopia
Organisational health and performance: an empirical assessment of smallholder producer organisations in Africa
After all, land belongs to the state: examining the benefits of land registration for smallholders in Ethiopia
Evaluation of participatory approaches for responsive research & development in Ethiopia: success factors
Evaluation of a farm-level decision support tool for trade-off and scenario analysis for addressing food security, income generation and natural resource management
Participatory agricultural research processes in Eastern and Central Ethiopia: using farmers` social networks as entry points