Climate Smart Crop-Small Ruminant Value Chain: a Rapid Assessment of Gender Gaps and Opportunities In Doyogena, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Assessing the relationship between climate, food security and conflict in Ethiopia and in the Central American Dry Corridor (CADC). Quantitative analysis on the impact of climate variability on conflict in Ethiopia and in the CADC countries
From buffet to best-fits: co-identifying and prioritizing best-bet CSA practices for targeting and scaling and Central Highlands of Ethiopia
The impacts of climate-smart agricultural practices on household income and food security: evidence from Doyogena and Basona climate-smart landscapes
Gender-differentiated perception of climate-smart agricultural practices in contrasting landscapes of the Ethiopian highlands
A synthesis of policy issues and recommendations towards enhancing access to and utilization of agricultural genetic resources for climate-change adaptation in East Africa: Report of a Regional Policy Workshop, 1-2 April 2021, Kisumu, Kenya
Impacts of catchment restoration on water availability and drought resilience in Ethiopia: a meta‐analysis
Report on the cost-benefit analysis for integrating new forage technologies in cattle production systems in Kenya and Ethiopia
A guide to standardized methods of analysis for soil, water, plant, and fertilizer resources for data documentation and sharing in Ethiopia
Negligible levels of mycotoxin contamination in durum wheat and groundnuts from non-intensive rainfed production systems
Summary report from virtual national stakeholder consultation meetings held on the proposed One CGIAR initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion, July-September 2021