Organic matter quality and management effects on enrichment of soil organic matter fractions in contrasting soils in Zimbabwe
The Health of Farmer-Based Organisations in Ghana: Organisational Diagnostics and Governance Implications
Integration of mid-infrared spectroscopy and geostatistics in the assessment of soil spatial variability at landscape level
Intensity cultivation induced effect on soil organic carbon dynamic in the western cotton area of Burkuna Faso
Indicators of soil quality: a South-South development of a methdological guide for linking local and technical knowledge
Effect of farmer management strategies on spatial variability of soil fertility and crop nutrient uptake in contrasting agro-ecological zones in Zimbabwe
Constraints on the delivery of animal-source foods to infants and young children : Case studies from five countries
Comparative short-term effects of different quality organic resources on maize productivity under two different environments in Zimbabwe
Comparative analysis of morphological and farmers' cognitive diversity in yams landraces (Dioscorea spp.) from southern Ethiopia