In situ conservation and use of crop wild relatives in three ACP countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region
Enhancing the link between in situ conservation and use of crop wild relatives (CWR) in the SADC region to underpin regional food security and mitigate predicted adverse impact of climate change
Understanding system innovation adoption: A comparative analysis of integrated soil fertility management uptake in Tamale (Ghana) and Kakamega (Kenya)
Assessment of the readiness of libraries in Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia to access online scientific information resources (particularly AGORA)
Management strategies for reducing soil degradation through modeling in a GIS environment in northern Ethiopia catchment
Annual vegetation burns across the northern savanna region of Ghana : period of occurrence, area burns, nutrient losses and emissions
Creating food self reliance among the smallholder farmers of eastern Zimbabwe: : exploring the role of integrated agricultural research for development
Spatially explicit multi-threat assessment of food tree species in Burkina Faso: A fine-scale approach
Joining smallholder farmers’ traditional knowledge with metric traits to select better varieties of Ethiopian wheat
Cost and benefit analysis for climate-smart agricultural (csa) practices in the coastal savannah agro-ecological zone (aez) of Ghana