Assessing the climate security sensitivity of the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion Project (SOCO) in Ghana
Adding value to neglected and underutilized crop species: Experiences from Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
The indirect impact of crop insurance on household food security in the Guinea savannah region of West Africa
Disability and migration: Religious and traditional disability beliefs as causes of migration of Zimbabwean mothers of children with disabilities to South Africa
Food mapping approaches for understanding food system transformations in rapid-growth city regions in the Global South
Developing a satellite-based combined land degradation index for monitoring environmental change: A case study in Tana -Beles watershed, Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
Evaluation of Ghana EiA-hub and mobile app digital advisories by the Research Extension Farmer Linkage Committees (RELCs ).
Replication Data for: Trade-Offs and Synergies Associated With Maize Leaf Stripping Within Crop-Livestock Systems in Northern Ghana