Mécanisme de diffusion des informations climatiques à la communauté dans les villages intelligents face au climat: Expérience du VIC de Ouda au Burkina Faso.
Site-specific fertilizer recommendation using data driven machine learning enhanced wheat productivity and resource use efficiency
Framing Water–Energy–Food–Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus interactions in the Tana-Beles Sub-Basin of Ethiopia
Integrating meta-analysis and experts’ knowledge for prioritizing climate-smart agricultural practices in Ethiopian
How to develop and manage your own community seed bank: Farmers’ handbook (updated version). Management, networking, policies and a final checklist: Booklet 3 of 3. Collo version
How to develop and manage your own community seed bank Farmers’ handbook (updated version). Technical issues: Booklet 2 of 3. Collo version
How to develop and manage your own community seed bank: Farmers’ handbook (updated version). Establishing a community seed bank: Booklet 1 of 3. Collo version
Gender vulnerability assessment to inform gender-sensitive adaptation action: A case study in semi-arid areas of Mali
Analyses Coûts-bénéfices des packages agroécologiques chez les producteurs, les collecteurs et les transformateurs de la chaîne de valeur lait de Bobo-Dioulasso