P02-005-23 Factors Influencing the Consumption of Neglected and Underutilized Species by Households in Atacora, Northern Benin
Evidensia learning event: Measuring women's participation and gender equality in value chain initiatives
School children preference among foods cooked and served in public primary school canteens in urban and peri-urban areas in Southern Benin
Hybrid and improved forage seed markets in East Africa: Developments, bottlenecks, and future opportunities
Desafíos y oportunidades en el mercado de semillas de forrajes mejorados en países seleccionados del Este y el Oeste de África
Challenges and opportunities in the improved forage seeds market in selected East and West African countries
Variation in symptom development and infectivity of Banana Bunchy Top Disease among four cultivars of Musa sp.
Towards adequate food environment in Benin public primary schools, the challenge of food supply and hygiene practices: a case study of three municipalities
Valorization of Vigna radiata (l.) Wilczek. and Moringa oleifera to improve food recipes of 6-23-month-old children in northern Benin
Dietary diversity predicts the adequacy of micronutrient intake in 6- to 23-month-old children regardless of the season in rural Southern Benin
Qualitative analysis of the perceptions of rural communities about the use of awareness‐raising videos in nutrition and health programs in Benin
Local knowledge of agricultural biodiversity and food uses of edible plant species in two agroecological zones of southern Benin
Contribution of local agrobiodiversity to complementary foods for 6 to 23 months old children in southern rural Benin