Closing yield gaps in Ethiopia: Leveraging data-driven approaches to optimize fertilizer use and soil health
Degradation, classification, and management of soils from alluvial‐gold mine spoils in the Southeastern Peruvian Amazon
Promoting smart production technologies for improved soil health and resilient maize production in the Guinea savannah zone of Ghana: A standard operation procedure
Scaling climate resilience in Ghana's savannah maize belt: Leveraging smart production, soil technologies, and capacity strengthening
Assessment of the level of alignment of the Sanko Kossam Dairy (SKD) business model with the principles of agroecology using the B-ACT tool
Soil and water conservation measures for cereal-legume cropping systems: A training manual for farmers and agriculture extension officers
Training video on the integration of the leguminous Mucuna cover crop in coffee and banana systems in central Africa.
Soil fertility management and agronomic practices for maize systems in Ghana's Guinea Savannah: A training manual for farmers and extension agents
Nature-positive solution for building soil health and strengthening smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa