Social and behavioural change strategy to expand equitable access to quality bean seeds for male, female, and young farmers
Stratégie de changement social et comportemental pour étendre l'accès équitable aux semences de haricots de qualité pour les hommes, les femmes et les jeunes agriculteurs
Empoderando productores: pruebas de calidad de grano in situ e información de precios para la toma de decisiones comerciales más informadas: Guía de implementación
A comparison of spectral preprocessing methods and their effects on nutritional traits in cowpea germplasm
Development and standardization of key descriptors for agro-morphological characterization in Vigna stipulacea (Lam.) Kuntze.: A potential legume for India
Economic impact of canavalia brasiliensis hay supplementation in beef cattle farming in the Colombian Caribbean.
COP16 Now hiring: A high-risk job, with a touch of botanical classicism; yet, irreplaceable for saving biodiversity
Detección de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli mediante PCR en tiempo real en frijol y forrajes tropicales
Description of the ancestral processes for the recognition by the Arhuaco people of the biofortified beans Agrosavia Rojo 43
Sirna nyaataa koorniyaa irratti xiyyeeffate cimsuun haala sirna soorataa fooyyessuu: Maanuwaala/ Qaleelcha leenjii