Multi-Locational Agronomic Evaluation of Four Forage Legumes Adapted to Degraded Soils of the Pat´ıa Valley in Cauca, Colombia
Multi-Locational Agronomic Evaluation of Four Forage Legumes Adapted to Degraded Soils of the Pat´ıa Valley in Cauca, Colombia
Ex-Ante evaluation of the economic impact of adopting improved forages in the Colombian eastern plains
Colombian cattle producers’ preferences for improved forage technologies: Chances for forage breeding and selection
Got forages? Understanding potential returns on investment in Brachiaria spp. for dairy producers in Eastern Africa = Comprender los retornos potenciales de la inversión en Brachiaria ssp. para los productores de leche en el Este de África
Competition for land resources: Driving forces and consequences in crop-livestock production systems of the Ethiopian highlands
Ex-Ante evaluation of the economic impact of adopting improved forages in the Colombian eastern plains
Colombian cattle producers’ preferences for improved forage technologies: Chances for forage breeding and selection
Replication Data for: Adequate vegetative cover decreases nitrous oxide emissions from cattle urine deposited in grazed pastures under rainy season conditions