Agricultural biodiversity in Southern Brazil: integrating efforts for conservation and use of neglected and underutilized species
How does traditional harvesting of young leaves for vegetable use affect seed yields of cowpea variety mixtures in Eastern Uganda?
How does traditional harvesting of young leaves for vegetable use affect seed yields of cowpea variety mixtures in Eastern Uganda?
Extensive diversity and inter-genepool introgression in a world-wide collection of indeterminate snap bean accessions
Informal “Seed” Systems and the Management of Gene Flow in Traditional Agroecosystems: The Case of Cassava in Cauca, Colombia
Agromorphological characterization of Sesamum radiatum (Schum. and Thonn.), a neglected and underutilized species of traditional leafy vegetable of great importance in Benin
Diversity, cultural practices and domestication of Sesamum radiatum Thonn. ex Hornem and Justicia tenella (Nees) T., two neglected and underutilized traditional leafy vegetables consumed in Benin
Assessment of genetic diversity among accessions of two traditional leafy vegetables (Acmella uliginosa (L.) and Justicia tenella (Nees) consumed in Benin using amplified fragment length polymorphism (ALFP) markers