Landscape context and scale differentially impact coffee leaf rust, coffee berry borer, and coffee root-knot nematodes
Nitrogen management in grasslands and forage-based production systems—Role of biological nitrification inhibition (BNI)
Biological nitrification inhibition (BNI)—A novel strategy to regulate nitrification in agricultural systems
Alternative plant protein sources for pigs and chickens in the tropics - nutritional value and constraints: A review
Sistema Agroforestal Quesungual (SAQ): Mejorando la productividad del agua la seguridad alimentaria y la calidad de los recursos en el trópico sub-húmedo
The diversity of rural livelihoods and their influence on soil fertility in agricultural systems of East Africa – A typology of smallholder farms
Potential economic impact from the adoption of new Brachiaria hybrids resistant to spittlebugs in livestock systems of Colombia, Mexico and Central America
Communicating complexity: Integrated assessment of trade-offs within African farming systems to support innovation and development