Cover crop and nitrogen effects on maize productivity in no-tillage systems of the Brazilian cerrados
Farmers knowledge, attitudes and practices (kap) in Embu and Taita benchmark sites before and after below-ground biodiversity project interventions
Genetic diversity and symbiotic efficiency of legume nodulating bacteria from different land use systems in taita taveta , kenya
Atributos morfológicos y fisiológicos de genotipos de Brachiaria en un suelo con bajo fósforo disponible y alta saturación de aluminio = Morphologic and physiological attributes of Brachiaria genotypes in soil with low available phosphorus and high…
Maize growth and production as influenced by earthwormbased integrated soil fertility management in tropical agroecosystems
Low phosphorus tolerance mechanisms: Phosphorus recycling and photosynthate partitioning in the tropical forage grass, Brachiaria hybrid cultivar mulato compared with rice
Growth responses of tropical forage plant species to vesicular- arbuscular mycorrhizae. 1. Growth, mineral uptake and mycorrhizal dependency
Haricot bean agroecology in Ethiopia: Definition using agroclimatic and crop growth simulation models
Getting the focus right: production constraints for six major food crops in Asian and African farming systems
Green manures for maize-bean systems in eastern Uganda: Agronomic performance and farmers' perceptions