Contrasted effect of biochar and earthworms on rice growth and resource allocation in different soils
Construction and EST sequencing of full-length, drought stress cDNA libraries for common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Comparison of organic versus mineral resource effects on short-term aggregate carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a sandy soil versus a fine textured soil
Comparative short-term effects of different quality organic resources on maize productivity under two different environments in Zimbabwe
Competitiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strains in relation to environmental stress and plant defense mechanisms
Comparative study of earthworm communities, microbial biomass, and plant nutrient availability under 1-year Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp and Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivations versus natural regrowths in a guinea savanna zone
Common bean breeding for resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses : From classical to MAS breeding
Comparative description of land use and characteristics of belowground biodiversity benchmark sites in Kenya = Descripción comparativa de usos del suelo y características de la diversidad del subsuelo en sitios empleados como referencia en Kenia
Combining organic and mineral fertilizers for integrated soil fertility management in smallholder farming systems of Kenya : Explorations using the crop-soil model FIELD
Commercial rhizobial inoculants significantly enhance growth and nitrogen fixation of a promiscuous soybean variety in Kenyan soils
Changes in soil organic matter and phosphorus fractions under planted fallows and a crop rotation system on a Colombian volcanic-ash soil
Cast production and NIR spectra signatures of Aporrectodea caliginosa fed soil with different amounts of half-decomposed Populus nigra litter