Intensity cultivation induced effect on soil organic carbon dynamic in the western cotton area of Burkuna Faso
Initial nitrous oxide fluxes from a maize-legume cropping system in a soil of the derived savanna zone of Nigeria-effect of fertilizer and incorporated organic matter
Inoculation of tomato seedlings with Trichoderma harzianum and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their effect on growth and control of wilt in tomato seedlings
Intake, digestibility and nitrogen utilization by sheep fed with provenances of Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner with different tannin structure
Integrated soil fertility management: an operational definition and consequences for implementation and dissemination
Indicators of soil quality: a South-South development of a methdological guide for linking local and technical knowledge
Influence of temperature and soil moisture on some population growth parameters of Cyrtomenus bergi (Hemiptera: Cydnidae )
Impact of planted fallows and a crop rotation on nitrogen mineralization and phosphorus and organic matter fractions on a Colombian volcanic-ash soil
Impact of land use on the distribution and diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes in embu and taita districts, kenya