Plant growth habit, root architecture traits and tolerance to low soil phosphorus in an Andean bean population
Plant-available P for maize and cowpea in P-deficient soils from the Nigerian Northern Guinea savanna : Comparison of E- and L-values
Physiological and genetic analysis of root responsiveness to auxin-producing plant growth-promoting bacteria in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Phosphorus benefits from grain-legume crops to subsequent maize grown on acid soils of southern Cameroon
Phosphorus transformations in an oxisol under contrasting land-use systems: The role of the soil microbial biomass
Phosphorus in soils of riparian and non-riparian wetland and buffer strips in the Waikato area, New Zealand
Phosphorus intensity determines short-term P uptake by pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) grown in soils with differing P buffering capacity : Comparison of E- and L-values
Participatory evaluation of integrated pest and soil fertility management options using ordered categorical data analysis
Organic matter quality and management effects on enrichment of soil organic matter fractions in contrasting soils in Zimbabwe
On-farm assessment of legume fallows and other soil fertility management options used by smallholder farmers in Southern Malawi
Organic resource quality influences short-term aggregate dynamics and soil organic carbon and nitrogen accumulation