Role of biological nitrogen fixation in legume based cropping systems; a case study of West Africa farming systems
Rhizobial populations in soils from natural Acacia senegal and Acacia nilotica forests in Mauritania and the Senegal river valley
Root functioning in tropical high-elevation forests: environmental vs biological control of root water absorption
Rhizobium inoculation increases of bean and maize yields in intercrops on farms in the Peruvian Sierra
Response of cassava to VA mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphorus application in greenhouse and field experiments
Resource flows and nutrient balances for crop and animal production in smallholder farming systems in Eastern Uganda
Residue quality and N fertilizer do not influence aggregate stabilization of C and N in two tropical soils with contrasting texture
Relations of carbon isotope discrimination and other physiological traits to yield in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) under rainfed conditions