Tree legumes in medium-term fallows: Nitrogen, fixation, nitrate recovery and effects on subsequent crops
Use of deep-rooted tropical pastures to build-up an arable layer throught improvement soil properties of an oxisol in the Eastern Plains (Llanos Orientales) of Colombia
The use of carbon isotope ratios to evaluate legume contribution to soil enhancement in tropical pastures
The distribution of phosphorus fractions and desorption characteristics of some soils in the moist savanna zone of West Africa
The effect of mixing prunings of two tropical shrub legumes (Calliandra houstoniana and Indigofera zollingeriana) with contrasting quality on N release in the soil and apparent N degradation in the rumen
The dynamics of social capital in influencing use of soil management options in the Chinyanja Triangle of southern Africa
Target area identification using a GIS approach for the introduction of legume cover crops for soil productivity improvement : A case study eastern Uganda
Testing new accessions of guinea grass (Panicum maximum) for acid soils and resistance to spittlebug (Aeneolamia reducta )