Are the metrics that companies use effective for monitoring supply chain sustainability? A closer look at cocoa and rice
Assessing soil functioning: What is the added value of soil organic carbon quality measurements alongside total organic carbon content?
Exploring the role of deep rooting ability on soil carbon accumulation in pasture-rice rotation systems in a Vertisol
Identification and prioritization of context-specific climate smart agricultural (CSA) practices in Ethiopia: A framework approach
Soil health improvement by using Urochloa tropical grasses as a cover crop in a grass-maize rotational system
Unlocking sustainable livestock production potential in the Colombian Amazon through paddock division and gender inclusivity
Nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization and their corresponding monetary values under long‐term integrated soil fertility management practices
Performance comparison of sorghum varieties treated with NP and NPSZn fertilizers in the Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Coordinated implementation of climate-smart practices in coffee farming increases benefits at farm, landscape and global scale
Reference soil groups map of Ethiopia based on legacy data and machine learning-technique: EthioSoilGrids 1.0