Book Series: Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity

About the Series
The series of books is published by Earthscan in association with the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. The aim of the series is to review the current state of knowledge in topical issues associated with agricultural biodiversity, to identify gaps in our knowledge base, to synthesize lessons learned and to propose future research and development actions. The overall objective is to increase the sustainable use of biodiversity in improving people’s well-being and food and nutrition security. The series’ scope is all aspects of agricultural biodiversity, ranging from conservation biology of genetic resources through social sciences to policy and legal aspects. It also covers the fields of research, education, communication and coordination, information management and knowledge sharing.
The Series Editors are Danny Hunter and Michael Halewood. They welcome proposals for new titles in the series. Please contact them if you would like to discuss a submission.
This is an open access series. To download publication, select the title and click the download button.

Measuring farm environmental sustainability in the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve

Orphan crops for sustainable food and nutrition security: Promoting neglected and underutilized species

Biodiversity, food and nutrition: A new agenda for sustainable food systems

Agrobiodiversity, school gardens and healthy diets: Promoting biodiversity, food and sustainable nutrition

Farmers and plant breeding: current approaches and perspectives

Tropical fruit tree diversity: good practices for in situ and on-farm conservation

Farmers' crop varieties and farmers' rights: challenges in taxonomy and law

Community seed banks: origins, evolution and prospects

Diversifying food and diets: Using agricultural biodiversity to improve nutrition and health

Community Biodiversity Management: Promoting resilience and the conservation of plant genetic resources

Crop genetic resources as a global commons: challenges in international law and governance

Plant genetic resources and food security: Stakeholder perspectives on the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture

Crop wild relatives: A manual of in situ conservation